Маралий корень и эхинацея

Kakimov A.K1., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Muratbayev A.M2., Doctoral student
Zhumadilova G.A3., Doctoral student
Dzhumazhanova M.M4., Doctoral student

Какимов А.К1., д.т.н., профессор
Муратбаев А.М2., докторант
Жумадилова Г.А3., докторант
Джумажанова М.М4., докторант

1 – Shakarim University Semey,Kazakhstan,
071412, Semey, Glinky 20a
2 – Shakarim University Semey, Kazakhstan,
071412, Semey, Glinky 20a
3 – Shakarim University Semey, Kazakhstan,
071412, Semey, Glinky 20a
4 – Shakarim University Semey, Kazakhstan,
071412, Semey, Glinky 20a

1 – Государственный университет имени
Шакарима города Семей, Республика Казахстан,
071412, г. Семей, Глинки 20а
2 – Государственный университет имени
Шакарима города Семей, Республика Казахстан,
071412, г. Семей, Глинки 20а
3 – Государственный университет имени
Шакарима города Семей, Республика Казахстан,
071412, г. Семей, Глинки 20а
4 – Государственный университет имени
Шакарима города Семей, Республика Казахстан,
071412, г. Семей, Глинки 20а

E-mail: bibi.53@mail.ru1; great_mister@mail.ru2; zhumadilovaga@mail.ru3, madina.omarova.89@mail.ru4

В статье описываются лекарственные растения: маралий корень и эхинацея. Основные свойства и действующие элементы.

Medicinal plants have long played a significant role in all areas of human life. However, starting from the 17th century, interest in herbal medicines was gradually declining; for official medicine, the approach to the isolation of pure substances and the synthesis of new, more active derivatives became a priority. But atthe end of the 20th century, with the development of biochemistry, nutrition, medicine and other relatedsciences, the importance of drugs based on medicinal plants began to increase again. Such herbal remedieshave occupied a fairly wide niche in Europe and the United States. The rapid growth of interest in herbalpreparations and dietary supplements was noted in the CIS countries. Over the centuries, a wealth of experience in their use has been compiled. And today, medicinal plants are widely used inthe treatment ofvarious diseases. After all, they contain such substances, which man cannot synthesize yet. Therefore, herbsare often more effective than modern medicines. The processing products of medicinal plant materials arewidely used in the manufacture of cosmetic, prophylactic and therapeutic agents [1,2].
Currently, significantly increased the need for means of general strengthening and immunostimulatingaction. For their production, natural components are used that, even with prolonged use, do not causeundesirable consequences in the human body. Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea Purpurea Moench) is aperennial herb. One of the healing sources, from ancient times used for medical purposes by the indigenouspeople of the Great Plains of the USA and the prairies of Canada. Due to the hydroxycinnamic acids and
polysaccharides that make up the composition, echinacea has an immunostimulating, antimicrobial,bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Maral Root carthamaides perennial a herbaceous plant of the aster family, which grows in Altai, inWestern and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia [3,4].
The safflower-like maral root plant is commonly used in the form of finely ground powder. It ischaracterized by a bitter taste, brackish resinous odor, cobweb fiber inclusions, high the level ofphytoecdysteroids. The concentration of ecdysteroids is higher than in other plants up to 100 times. Smalldoses of maral root have a stimulating, anti-inflammatory effect and have inhibitory effect.
High adaptogenic activity is a consequence of the presence of phytoecdysteroids in plants incombination with flavanoids, antioxidants and vitamins [5,6].
The chemical composition of the drug from the maral root plant is complex and contains up to 65phytoecdysteroids, 18 vitamins, provitamins, anti-stress proteins, macro — and microelements. Maral root andEchinacea preparations do not contain toxic alkaloids, narcotic and toxic substances. The amount of heavy metals is not exceeds background level.


  1. Akselrud G. A., Lysyanskij V. M. E`kstragirovanie. — L., 1974.
  2. Atlas lekarstvenny`x rastenij SSSR. M.: Medicina, 1962. — 702s.
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  6. Bioximiya rastenij, per. s angl., M., 1968, gl. 22; Zaprometov M. N., Osnovybioximii fenolny`x soedinenij. M., 1974.